
来源: 新华网 作者: 2015-08-05 10:57:52
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The University of Illinois stakes claim to 23 Nobel Prize winners and tech prowess that contributed to the creation of YouTube, Netscape, Java and Yelp. 伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois)共有23名校友获得诺贝尔奖,该校培养的科技精英们造就了YouTube、Netscape、Java和Yelp公司。

But students at the central Illinois campus don’t just bury their heads in books, they also party — so much so that they’ve earned the top spot on The Princeton Review’s annual list of top party schools in the U.S., the college guide said Monday. 但这所位于伊州中部的大学的学生并不仅仅是埋头苦读,他们同样热衷于派对。《普林斯顿评论》(The Princeton Review)3日宣布,该校在这本大学指南的年度派对大学排行榜中高居榜首。

“Drinking culture is huge here,” according to an unnamed student in the Princeton Review’s 2016 edition of the “The Best 380 Colleges.” The university has about 31,000 undergraduate students. 在《普林斯顿评论》2016年版“最好的380所大学(The Best 380 Colleges)”中,一名不愿提及姓名的学生说道,“这里饮酒文化氛围很浓厚”。该校现有大约31000名本科在校生。

University spokeswoman Robin Kaler was bothered by the No. 1 ranking — a first for the campus, which has been among the list’s top five for years — and said it painted students in a false light. 伊利诺伊大学女发言人罗宾 卡勒(Robin Kaler)很为这个第一名感到烦恼,该校近些年来一直跻身该榜单前五,这还是第一次高居榜首。她说这个排名扭曲了该校学生的形象。

“They are serious, they are hard-working, and to try to present them as being somehow irresponsible is insulting,” she said Monday. 她3日表示:“他们严肃认真、勤勉刻苦,试图将他们刻画为不负责任的人的行为是对他们的侮辱。”

The largest of the parties is an annual day of drinking called Unofficial, a St. Patrick’s Day celebration that was started by a local bar. The event included fatal accidents in 2001 and 2006. The university tries every year to keep the event under control, often beefing up police presence and, two years ago, even asking parents to help them tone down the partying. 伊利诺伊大学最大的派对要属每年的饮酒日,被称作Unofficial,这个派对由当地的一家酒吧为庆祝圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick’s Day)而发起。该活动在2001年和2006年都曾酿成致命事故。校方每年都试图控制活动的局面,经常增加现场的警力,两年前甚至呼吁学生家长帮助他们令派对收敛一些。

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