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来源: 腾讯文化  
2013-10-11 03:29:16


  Alice Munro in her kitchen in Clinton, Ontario. The acclaimed short-story writer, who will turn 82 next week, recently announced she is probably done writing. Charles McGrath writes that Ms. Munro “has talked this way before,” but insists she’s serious this time. “There will be no more books after ‘Dear Life,’ she said, and the four autobiographical stories that conclude the book — retellings, in a way, of ones with which she began her career — will be her last. ‘Put your money on it,’ she said.”

  Credit: Ian Willms for The New York Times


  图片为爱丽丝·门罗女士在她安大略省的厨房里。这位备受赞誉的短篇小说作家,下周将要迎来她的82岁,近日她宣布她可能会封笔。查尔斯·麦格拉思写道:门罗女士“以前确实表达过停笔的意思”,但他相信,她这次认真的。 “在Dear Life之后,不会有更多的新书出版了”她说,这四本自传体故事将是她最后的作品。
